1 杰克是个如此勤奋的学生,他无论走到哪里身边总是带着本书。 (diligent)
Jack is so diligent a student that he never goes anywhere without a book.
2 这是我的论文(paper)提纲(outline),对于你的任何建议,我将不胜感激。 (appreciate)
This is an outline of my paper any of your suggestions will be truly appreciated.
3 无论是买还是租,你都得弄清楚什么样的房产最适合你和你的生活方式。 (property)
Whether you’re buying or renting, you’ll need to be fully aware what kind of property best suits you and your lifestyle.
4 在冰路上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸(brake)减慢自行车的速度。 (slow down)
It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, so we have to use the brake to slow it down.
5 如果我们把所有精力和努力投入进去,再过几个月,我们肯定能完成这个项目。 (accomplish)
If we put all our energy and effort into this project, we will definitely accomplish it in a few more months.
6 我打算搬入一座位于镇中心附近三居室的房子。而且,它离火车站也很近,走走就到。 (locate, in addition)
I am thinking about moving to a three-bedroom house located near the town center. In addition, it is within walking distance to the train station.
7 我们想当然地认为是垃圾的很多东西,比如报纸、杂志、旧电脑和手机,实际上可以通过这样或那样的方式再循环、再利用。 (take ... for granted, trash, recycle)
A lot of the things we take for granted as trash, such as newspapers, magazines, old computers and cellphones , can actually be recycled or reused in one way or another.
8 —在询问一份工作的时候,我能问一些什么问题?—你可以问,这个职位(position)是否还有,要等多久才能知道你是否有面试机会__(inquire, available)__
— What questions can I ask when inquiring about a job?
— You may ask if the position is still available and how long you have to wait before getting to know if you will be given an interview.
1 这篇文章有助于我们深刻了解该问题的性质。 (insight)
The article/essay helps us get a deep insight into the nature of the problem.
2 在相互尊重的基础上,友谊会蓬勃发展。 (mutual, flourish)
Based on mutual respect, friendship will flourish.
3 友谊就像一棵植物,如果被忽视了,它就会凋谢。 (neglect,wither)
Like a plant, friendship will wither if neglected.
4 不论发生什么情况,我们一定会尽全力将其克服。 (no matter what, overcome)
No matter what may happen, we will do our best to overcome it.
5 没有双方不断的关心,友谊将以分手告终。 (end up with)
A friendship without constant care from both sides will end up with a breakup.
6 今年寒冷的天气已严重影响北方地区的庄稼。 (affect)
This year cold weather has seriously affected the crops in the northern region.
7 虽然我痛恨这么做,但是我必须按计划完成任务。 (as much as)
As much as I hate to do it, I must finish the task as planned.
8 那意味着这一新法律也适用于私营企业 (private businesses) __。 __(apply to)
That means the new law also applies to private businesses.
1 我根本来不及害怕就从老虎手中夺回了我的孩子。我想这是母亲的本能。 (grab, instinct)
I grabbed my baby from the tiger before I had time to feel afraid. I guess it was a mother’s natural instinct.
2 现代旅游者渴望去像西藏(Tibet)这样神秘的地方。你要早点去,否则那里也会人满为患。 (yearn for, mysterious, be flooded with)
Modern tourists yearn for mysterious places like Tibet. You should go there before it is flooded with visitors.
3 现在我女儿会爬了。家里没有什么地方她没爬到过。我得时时跟在她后面捡玩具,烦死了。 (spot, be tired of)
Now that my daughter can crawl, there is not a spot in the house she hasn’t reached. I’m just tired of picking up toys constantly after her.
4 最近,又要工作,又要照顾生病的孩子,我感到分身乏术。这份业务计划我能推迟点交吗? (pull apart, turn in)
I felt pulled apart of late by work and taking care of my sick child. Can I postpone turning in the business plan?
5 我不是有意引发争议,但我真觉得我们公司还是分拆成两个公司为好。 (provocative, split)
I don’t mean to be provocative, but I do think it’s better for our company to split into two.
6 美国政府有义务优先购买在美国制造的产品,但外国公司仍有可能成为美国政府的供应商。例如,某产品在美国没有生产,这时美国政府将向海外购买。 (feel obligated to, for instance)
The US government feels obligated to prefer US-made products, but it’s still possible for a foreign company to be its supplier. For instance, if a product is not made in the US, then the US government will buy abroad.
7 我们得不断分析环境变化,看是否有必要改变原来的计划。__(analyze, original, program)__
We must constantly analyze changes in the environment to see if there is a need to change the original program.
8 你怎么解读中国政府的新“二孩”政策?这个政策是不是为了填补中国未来年轻人口的不足(shortage)?(interpretation, make up for)
What’s your interpretation of the Chinese government’s new policy of allowing two children per family? Is it to make up for the shortage of young people in the future in China?
1 如何控制住火箭的动力,是成功发射宇宙飞船的一个关键。(harness)
How to harness the power of the rockets is the key to the successful launch of a spaceship.
2 二十世纪见证了航空工业的成长。 (witness)
The 20th century witnessed the growth of the aviation industry.
3 第二次世界大战期间,美国需要大型运输机运送战争物资。(transportation)
During World War II, the United States needed giant cargo planes for transportation of war materials.
4 电影“飞行者”( The Aviator )是根据霍华德·休斯的生平创作的。 (base … on)
The film The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes.
5 这位教授认为投入能效(energy efficiency)领域研究的钱应再多些。 (in the field of)
The professor thinks that more money should be invested in/put into research in the field of energy efficiency.
6 他们正在执行一项秘密任务。 (mission)
They are carrying out a secret mission.
7 “着重注意文章的内容,别担心单个词汇。”老师对学生们说。 (focus on, individual)
“Focus on the content of the article. Don’t worry about individual words,” said the teacher to the students.
8 万户的方案太冒险太原始了,不可能成功的。 (risky, primitive)
Wan Hu’s plan was too risky and too primitive to be successful.
1 纽约的创客集市汇聚了各年龄层次的发明者。 (get together)
The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.
2 创客们展示了他们最新的作品。 (exhibit, creation)
Makers exhibited their latest creations.
3 工业化国家必须带头减少碳排放量(emissions)。 (industrialize)
Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbon emissions.
4 如果有适当的工具和灵感(inspiration),创客们有能力改变这个世界。 (capacity)
With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity to change the world.
_5_据我所知,他们正在秘密地制定一项计划。 (work on, in secret)
As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.
6 这个小镇有着蓬勃发展的旅游产业和房地产市场。 (boom)
This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) real estate market.
7 过去十年的数字化革命以一种前所未有的方式激发(stimulate)
了人们的创造力。 (in a(n) … way)
In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’s creativity in an unprecedented way.
8 在中国第一家正式的创客空间“新车间”里,创客们正鼓捣着各种各样的材料,如金属、塑料、电子元件等等。__(formal, tinker with, electronic component)__
At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers are tinkering with all types of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.